curriculum vitae

2010 – 2015

2006 – 2008

2002 – 2006

1998 – 2000

  • Vienna University of Technology :: TU Wien

1997 – 1998

  • Innsbruck University of Technology




  • State Exam in Architecture, IUAV – Istituto universitario di architettura Venezia, subscription to the Chamber of Architecture


  • Diploma in Architecture, Institute for Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna: SPUROPE 2050 [watch the research synopsis] – A Vertical Farm for London in 2050. Chances and Potentials for public spaces and food security, Prof. Markus Schäfer, HOSOYA SCHAEFER ARCHITECTS


  • Launching vertical farm institute Ltd. – the research and development company for vertical farms


  • Launching vertical farm institute


2004 – 2014

  • JWA Josef Weichenberger Architects, Project Architect

2004 – 2006

2000 – 2006

  • Coop Himmelb(l)au, Internship and Freelance Architect for Musée des Confluences, Wienerberg City, Schlachthausgasse and several competitions


  • Completion C47, Low-Energy Residential Building in Vienna, IMPD



  • Heidulf Gerngross, Freelance Architect, Support for its contribution at the Biennale di Architettura Venezia (way too short period)


  • BKK3 Internship


  • Lecturer – seminar on new building typologies (Vertical Farming, Functions and Space programmes and Energy Performance, for DIEAG, Berlin-Developer, University of Applied Arts, Energy Design, with Bernhard Sommer, Vienna



  • Lecturer for Green Buildings Design Course and Climate-frendly construction practises, University of Applied Sciences, Vienna


2012 – 2016


  • Lecturer / workshop for Architecture and Energy Design, Berlin University of Technology, Germany
  • Lecturer / workshop for Vienna University of Technology as part of the course “Milliardenstadt” 


  • Lecturer / workshop for parametric design and and energy simulation, Kassel University of Technology, Germany

2010 – 2012


  • Mikser Festival, Belgrade, “Vertical Farming and NBS / BGS” Dissemination programme of Horizon 2020 eu::POLIS


  • University of Applied Arts Vienna, Institute for Design. “Vertical Farming Design Paradigm Shift”
  • Climate- and Energy Funds Austria, Science Brunch. „Vertical Farming – History and Future“
  • fifteenseconds Festival Graz, Science Stage. “Vertical Farming – Area is limited. Space is not.”
  • Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, Future Factory. “Vertical Farming – Between Eutopia and Dystopia”
  • University of Applied Arts Vienna, Institute for Architecture, Studio Lynn. “Vertical Farming – Towards a new building typology”


  • Netzwerk Zukunftraum Land and Chamber of Agriculture: „New forms of agriculture – from the field on the plate („Neue Formen der Landwirtschaft – vom Acker zumTeller“), „Vertical Farming”
  • Austrian Innovation Forum “VERTICAL FARMING Chancen und Herausforderungen eines neuen Marktes”, 11/10/2018 Tech Gate Vienna – The Stage, Vienna
  • Schloss Hof , Special Exhibition „Das Spiel mit dem Essen”, “Aquaponics and vertical farming” with Gert Zechner
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business, Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. “Missing Link: Bite your lips, get up and dance!”
  • Robert Bosch Stiftung Germany, Stuttgart, Urbane Transformation. „Feedbomb – Solutions for shrinking cities“
  • Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Landscape design. “ Vertical Farming and the future of food”
  • Climate- and Energy Funds Austria. “Vertical Farming :: Smart and climate friendly?”


  • Berlin University of Technology.  “VERTICAL FARMING: Towards a new building typology”
  • Vienna University of Technology. Institute for Industrial Constructions. “Vertical Farming: Towards a new building typology”
  • University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna and Green4Cities. “Vertical Farming”
  • eugic European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference, Budapest. “Vertical Farming – Towards a new building typology for the 21st century”
  • CKI, Center of Knowledge Interchange, Graz University of Technology, in Cooperation with SIEMENS. “Basic research results vertical farming – Highlighting cooperation potentials”


  • Vertical Farming. Vortrag im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltungen „Architektur und Energie“ sowie des master studios am Instituts für Gebäude und Energie der Technischen Universität Graz
  • Before Sunrise – world food supply and Vertical Farming – Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Institut für Architektur, Department für Energy Design, Wien
  • Before Sunrise – Vertical Farming. Vortrag und Gastseminar in der Abteilung für Gartenbau, Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
  • Contribution of Vertical Farms to increase the overall Energy Efficiency of Cities – China and Europe. Urban Transition Global Summit Shanghai, China


  • Vertical Farming und Licht. Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung, „Gebäudetechnik“ des Instituts für Gebäude und Energie der Technischen Universität Graz
  • Vertical Farming. Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Angewandte Ökologie“ an der Fachhochschule Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, Graz


  • All you can eat. Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, Universität Maribor, Slowenien
  • All you can eat. Lebensmittelversorgung und Landverbrauch. – Workshop, Konsulenz und Vortrag im Rahmen der StudentInneninitiative “Milliardenstadt” des cross-over-Studios der Technischen Universität Wien
  • All you can eat. Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Angewandte Ökologie“ an der Fachhochschule Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, Graz


  • Contribution of Vertical Farms to increase the overall Energy Efficiency of Cities. PhD-Paper – Präsentation am internationalen Symposium über gegenwärtige Anforderungen für dichte Wohngebiete “High Density and Living Comfort”, 21. bis 22. März 2013 am Institut für Architekturtechnologie der Technischen Universität Graz
  • The Opposite is hidden but Close – Four steps to rescue the world (so far) Vortrag im Rahmen eines Workshops zu Architektur und Energie, Simulationsstrategien und Klimaanalysen. Institut für Experimentelles Entwerfen und Konstruieren bei Prof. Frank Stepper an der Universität Kassel, Deutschland


  • Bite your lips, get up and dance! – New Energy Era Forum 2012, Skibbereen, Irland
  • Beitrag von Vertikalen Farmen zur Steigerung der Gesamtenergie- Effizienz in urbanen Agglomerationen. 5. Internationaler Kongress Bauhaus.SOLAR, Erfurt, Deutschland


  • Teleworking and Energy Efficiency / Hyperbuilding auf der „Energy City Conference“, Institute for Buildings and Energy, Prof. Brian Cody, Graz University of Technology





  • Podmirseg, D. “Contribution of Vertical Farms to increase the overall Energy efficiency of Urban Agglomerations”. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2, No.4. Shanghai, China, S. 82-85, ISSN Print: 2327-588X


  • Podmirseg, D. “Contribution of Vertical Farms to increase the overall Energy Efficiency of Cities”. PhD-Paper – Presentation at international Symposium on contemporary requirements of dense housing areas “High Density and Living Comfort”, from 21th to 22th march 2013 at the Institute for Architecture and Technology, Graz University of Technology
  • Podmirseg, D. “Mythos Marchfeld und Vertical Farming”. Online-Publication,


  • Podmirseg, D. „Beitrag von Vertikalen Farmen zur Steigerung der Gesamtenergie- Effizienz in urbanen Agglomerationen“. 5th International Congress Bauhaus.SOLAR, Erfurt, Germany


  • Podmirseg, D. 2011. “Hyperbuildings” at the Energy City Conference, Institute for Buildings and Energy, Graz University of Technology


  • Network Event GrünStattGrau – Verband für Bauwerksbegrünung. „Skyfarm“
  • Austrian Institute of Technology hosting New York Institute for Technology. “Vertical Farming – Between Eutopia and Dystopia
  • UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization. “Vertical Farming – Energy Production and Waste management”


  • Podiumdiscussion, Stift Göttweig, Göttweiger Wohnbaudialog on „The future of living“ (Die Zukunft des Wohnens)
  • Podiumdiscussion Vienna, Ottakringer Brauerei and Vienna Business Agency on “The productive City – Future Factory”
  • 4GAMECHANGER Festival,Marxhalle Wien, 09/04/2019 cropify
  • Greentech Amsterdam, Horticulture’s forefront. “Vertical Farming – Area is limited, Space is not.”
  • WKO – Chamber of Commerce Austria, Vienna, The Future of Food – What will we eat 30 years on? “Vertical Farming – Area is limited, Space is not.”
  • Aquafarm / Novelfarm, Pordenone, Italy: “Vertical Farming – Between Eutopia and Dystopia”


  • Research Project Presentation “wolkenfarm” and press conference, invited by the municipality of St. Pölten, Klangturm, with Vera Enzi GrünStattGrau
  • NGIN FOOD, The Future of Food, Berlin
  • FOOD CLUB VIENNA. “Vertical Farming and the Future of Food. Chances and Challenges of new markets”
  • Podiumdiscussion “urban Food Strategies, Vienna Business Agency. “Vertical Farming and Food Policies”
  • WKO – Chamber of Commerce Austria, Vienna, Future of Buildings. “Vertical Farming and the urban future of food”
  • Vertical Farming Conference, Venlo, Netherlands. “Ten ideas to rescue the world [so far]
  • Galerie König Vienna, Conversations. „Vertical Farming and public spaces.“
  • ÖGG, Österreichische Gartenbaugesellschaft: Horticultural perspektives with Vertical farming
  • Eurosolar, Solarstammtisch. „vertical farm institute“
  • VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. „Vertical Farming and the future of food” with Hanni Rützler
  • Museum of Technology / Technisches Museum Wien. “Vertical Farming and Food Supply”
  • Austrian Innovation Forum. „Vertical Farming – Chances and Challenges of emerging markets“
  • EEDF – European Economic Danube Forum. “Vertical Farming and the urban future of food”



  • TUN Gala for sustainable innovations. “Vertical Farming :: Agriculture moves to cities”
  • Climate-Kic Vienna, Business Pitch. “Vertical Farming”
  • Podiumdiscussion Wear Fair + more, Tabakfabrik Linz. “Is Vertical Farming the future?”
  • Allianz Invest, Carintia, Austria. With Gernot Grömer, Austrian Space Forum. “SKYBERRIES – The Future of Nutrition”
  • BauZ Congress, Bauen&Energie Messe Vienna. „Vertical Farming and the future of nutrition”
  • Mumok Museum of modern Arts Vienna. “up. Up! AND AWAY!”
  • Vienna Business Circle Conference. “Vertical Farming – the edible city”
  • Vienna Design Week, Museum of Technology Vienna. “Vertical Farming. Easy as that”


  • “In der Metropole wächst Nahrung in den Himmel” – Die Presse, Article and Portrait on Daniel Podmirseg, nominated for “Austrian of the Year 2020”, category “Climate Initiative”
  • “THE WAY FORWARD – an isotropic radiation of ideas and potentials”, Article written with Prof. Dickson Despommier
  • “Vertical Farming and the future of cities”, Lebensmittel Zeitung, Frankfurt, Germany
  • “Positions: Unfolding Architectural Endeavors”, Publisher Birkhäuser – Edition Angewandte, Austria, ISBN 978-3-0356-2006-1. Contribution with “Metropolis Food Space and Energy”, advanced architectural science, p.100


  • Ein Hochhaus als Gemüsegarten”, Anke Fossgreen, Basler Zeitung, Switzerland
  • Fassaden als Agrarfläche”, Gabriela Beck, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany
  • „Vertical Farming“, Maria-Luisa Doldi, Techniche Nuove, Italy
  • „Vertical Farming”, Perry Mark, Kronenzeitung, Austria


  • “Zehn gute Gründe für Vertical Farming”, published February 28th 2018, BIORAMA Magazine #53
  • “Sustainable food production in urban spaces”, Climate- and Energy Funds – energy innovation Austria brochure 03/2018. 
  • “Beziehung Stadt-Biosphäre neu gedacht” Interview with Saskia Sassen, published March 3rd 2018, BIORAMA Magazine  #53


  • Podmirseg, D. “up! contribution of vertical farms to increase the overall energy efficiency of cities”, ISBN-13 (Hard Copy): 978-3-73699-305-1. Cuvillier Publisher, 2016

  • University of Applied Arts Vienna,  Studio Prix  1990 – 2011, IoA, Birkhäuser Basel, ISBN 978-3-99043-440-6


  • Podmirseg, D. et al. 2012. Unbuildable Tatlin?, edited by Klaus Bollinger, Florian Medicus, edition angewandte, Springer Wien New York, Springer-Verlag Vienna, ISBN 978-3-211-99201-2

  •  „Lebensmittelproduktion im urbanen Raum – Ein Manifest zwischen Eutopie und Dystopie“, Klima Haus Zeitung, Nr. 3, 08.07.2012, S. 52-53, Italy



  • Skyberries Academy, Partner of the Vertical Farming Accelerator Hub for Libya and Tunis with Kilian Kleinschmidt
  • Reviewer, Guest critic at Vienna University of Technology, TU Kassel, University of Maribor, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Institute for Vegetables and Ornamentals, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna


Skyberries Academy summer school on Vertical Farming, Zurndorf, Austria


Founder of Skyberries Academy, research dissemination and workshops on vertical farming


Co-Founder meetup Vertical Farming


  • “ALINA – THE MVP RESEARCH FACILITY”, Mikser Festival, Belgrade, within the dissemination programme of “euPOLIS – Horizon 2020 international research programme on NBS&BGS”




  • “VERTICAL FARMING PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE”, GreenTech International Horticulture Fair, RAI Amsterdam 


  • “VERTICAL FARMING”, Vienna Biennale as part of the exhibition “future factory – rethinking urban production” Museum of Applied Arts Vienna.
  • “FOOD PRODUCTION WILL BE PART OF DAILY URBAN LIFE AGAIN”, Vienna Biennale, as part of the exhibition “future factory – rethinking urban production. Galerie Die Schöne, Vienna


  • “SKYBERRIES – THE VERTICAL FARM FOR SANDLEITENHOF”, as part of the exhibition “SOHO“in Ottakring” with Lucas Kulnig
  • „THE FIREWALL VERTICAL FARM PROJECT“. Museum for Technology „The future of cities“. Architectural and scientific contribution to visualize the energy performance of a vertical farm, Vienna


  • „BIERZYKLUS AND SCRAPERS“, with Lucas Kulnig, silverlinings exhibition – 12 architectural proposals for experimental practices, Academy of Fine Arts, Atelierhaus, Vienna


  • Milliardenstadt”, workshop and consultancy for the student’s initiative who developed a carbon-neutral city. Estimated investment costs have been equivalent to the costs the banking crash “Hypo Alpe Adria” caused to the Republic of Austria. “All you can eat. Food supply and Land Use“. Vienna University of Technology. Exhibition of the urban model (1:100) at Karlsplatz, Vienna


  • “DIO NERO – AESTHETICS OF DISEASE – SUBSTITUTED STRUCTURES”,  Citigroup Headquarter Manhattan goes Vertical Farming. Biennale di Venezia, Spazio Salenbauch with Maria Huber, Federico Rovetta, Philipp Zrim and Lucas Kulnig.


  • “SPUROPE 2050 – Space of urban operations, The Vertical Farm – Project for London 2050”. Diploma. Event: „Best of Diplomas 2007-2008, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
  • “DYMONAD – living cells”, group exhibition set up by “ITNOA – in the name of architecture”. Selected projects from University of Applied Arts, Academy of Fine Arts and Vienna University of Technology




  • First Prize for research proposal with Martina Artmann, Christina Sager-Klauss, Ottonie Röder, Pablo Wendel, Kostja Rozanski, Marius Romme and Victoria Mutzek for “Urbane Transformationen Gestalten”, Robert Bosch-Stiftung, Stuttgart


  • PhD-Presentation with Distinction, Graz University of Technology, Doctoral School


  • Best PhD-Paper, Graz University of Technology. Podmirseg, D. 2013. Contribution of Vertical Farms to increase the overall Energy Efficiency of Cities. Publication (conference proceedings) at the International Symposium “High Density and Living Comfort”, Institute for Architecture and Technology






  • Ö1: Austrian Broadcasting Company, Leporello, with Lucas Kulnig: Gestapelte Gewächshäuser



concluded 2024


1,5 years feasibility study for the integration of food production in urban development areas considering economic, energetic and architectural KPIs :: concluded

concluded 2024

Since 2022


Our office is in hte heart of Vienna, in one of the last buildings by Architect Otto Wagner, Döblergasse 2

Since 2022

October - December 2019


Accelerator Hub for Vertical Farming in Tunis for Libyan trainees and students with Kilian Kleinschmidt, IPA-switxboard

October - December 2019


cropify systems

Winner startup-moonshot, set up by I4X in Vienna, foundation of cropify systems – and the kick-off to develop and implement the first vertical farm – demonstrator


28.- 30.09.2018


First summer school on vertical farming with international participants in the south of vienna on light and energy, circular economy and building typologies

28.- 30.09.2018

28.02. - 02.03.2018


First event of the vfi’s dissemination programme: SKYBERRIES-Conference in Vienna on food security, urban agriculture and vertical farming

28.02. - 02.03.2018


vertical farm institute

Foundation of the private research institute in Vienna focussing on research and development of new building typologies.




up! Contribution of Vertical Farms to increase the overall Energy Efficiency of Cities


18.06. 2008


Degree in architecture with “SPUROPE – Space of urban operations – 2050 – The Vertical Farm Project for London

18.06. 2008
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